In the heart of central Brazil, long, dry seasons lead to wildfires that routinely sweep through a massive savannah called the Cerrado. One remarkable survival adaptation for many Cerrado plants is their sheer biomass, much of which exists underground. Sometimes called the “upside-down forest”, plants and trees have developed deep, subterranean trunk and root systems. In some cases, 70% of the plant exists underground, with roots reaching lengths of over 30 feet, safely shielded from the raging inferno of sun and fire.
We believe the best businesses employ a similar strategy.
At the Cerrado Group, we perform like the upside-down forest. Often hidden from view, but essential to sustained success, our group of high-performing, like-minded achievers exist to help our industry, organizations, plan sponsors and plan participants thrive.
Sure, we understand many essential business functions may attract more attention. We’re well aware our behind the scenes work on retirement plans isn’t flashy. But it’s these deep, stable roots that propel the best businesses forward.